You can also view a text version of this article at Hindustan Times ePaper at – Girmitiyas in quest of roots seek CM’s help
Hindustaan Times Article - 09 Feb 2016

Dr Satish Rai
Film Maker, Writer, Journalist & Community Development Professional

Dr Satish Rai is Sydney based academic, film/tv producer, journalist and community development worker. He was born in Fiji where he received his primary, secondary and part of his tertiary education (University of South Pacific & Fiji School of Medicine. He migrated to UK in 1980 and after working as a Metropolitan police officer for five years, (1982-1987) he retired to complete his BA (Hons) degree in Sociology, majoring in race equality issues. He became a politician (elected councillor in London Borough of Greenwich, 1990-94), and a community development officer; becoming a Principal Race Equality Officer for a London Borough Council.
You can also view a text version of this article at Hindustan Times ePaper at – Girmitiyas in quest of roots seek CM’s help